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Magnesium Chloride – Magnesium Oil

Price:  250ml spray bottle: $12

            without spray bottle: $10

We all learnt about having to maintain

our calcium levels in order to build strong

and healthy bones. Yet too much calcium

– would you believe it?? – can lead

to osteoporosis!

What we require is a balance

of magnesium, phosphorous and calcium

for the formation of healthy bones – – and teeth!

(It has been shown, that caries-resistant teeth [no cavaties] contain on average twice as much magnesium than caries-prone teeth [teeth with cavaties]).

Magnesium Oil is fundamentally helpful to the body.  –

Therefore I offer it to my clients.

Every morning I spray it onto my body and it is absorbed very quickly.
and: It is the best and most reliable deodorant I have ever used!!
I even spray it onto my face and I take a few squirts orally, too (usually

to help my elimination – from the gut, of course – along a little).



.. because I found the information about it to be a revelation!


Facts and insights we hardly ever hear about:


We require magnesium for a lot of processes in our body, including for well over 300 enzyme reactions alone in the body!

An enzyme is a catalyst. Catalysts make reactions happen faster. Without or with insufficient magnesium, those enzymes, which are linked to magnesium, will not work. This means, that certain processes in the body will not happen, or they happen far too slowly.  – Take our digestive system: we need our digestion to happen on time, every time.

In nature, magnesium is most abundant. It is perhaps because of its abundance, that our bodies never needed to STORE it. Thus we are dependent on regular oral uptake or absortion through the skin.

Looking at most people’s diet, there’s often a hopelessly insufficient amount of magnesium available to the body. It’s like running your car

on poor quality petrol!!

Every biological function
 of the human body relies on adequate levels
of minerals and trace elements.

Without adequate levels of ALL minerals,

the body’s ability to function properly

is impeded and ultimately disrupted.

Magnesium chloride is a great infection fighter, which no other magnesium combination (sulfate, chelate etc) can claim to be. This has been a well-known fact ever since the beginning of the last century. As far back as 1915, a French surgeon found, that the soldiers’ wounds healed better, when he cleansed the wounds with magnesium chloride. Taken internally, he found

it to be a powerful stimulant for the immune system.

I found an abundance of information on the internet and am happy to e-mail you a list of pdfs to read. Mark Sircus and Walter Last have written interesting articles. Here is an extract:


  • Some early signs of magnesium deficiency are loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and weakness.

  • Increased deficiency may show as numbness, tingling, muscle contractions and cramps, seizures, personality changes, abnormal heart rhythms, and coronary spasms.

  • Severe deficiency results in low levels of calcium in the blood (hypocalcemia), and is also associated with low levels of potassium

       in the blood (hypokalemia).

We are now much more aware of the importance of magnesium:

Deficiency Symptoms & Increased Requirements:

  • CIRCULATION: angina, arteriosclerosis/atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, heart infarcts, strokes, tachycardia (fast pulse), thrombosis.

  • DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: colic, constipation, chronic diarrhoea, malabsorption, pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas).

  • MUSCLES: backache, convulsions, cramps, increased excitability/jumpiness, numbness, nystagmus (rapid eye movements), spasms, tense/tight muscles, tingling, tremors.

  • NERVOUS SYSTEM: apathy, confusion, depression, disorientation, epilepsy, hallucinations, irritability, mental illness, multiple sclerosis, nervousness, neuritis paranoia, Parkinson’s disease, poor memory and senility.

  • GENERAL: alcoholism, arthritis, body odours, broken bones, calcification in any organ, cancer, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, diabetes, eclampsia, headaches, infections and inflammations, liver cirrhosis, lupus erythematosus, migraines, old age, prostate problems, rickets, rigidity - mental and physical, skin wrinkled and tough, stiffness, stone-formation in gall bladder or kidneys, overactive thyroid.


Doesn’t this list demonstrate, how fundamental magnesium is?

Of course, there are people who should not take it.

CAUTION: Magnesium supplementation should be avoided with severe kidney problems (severe renal insufficiency when on dialysis), and also with myasthenia gravis (a rare chroninc autoimmune disease marked by muscular weakness without atrophy). Be careful with severe adrenal weakness or with low blood pressure. Too much magnesium can cause muscle weakness,

if this happens temporarily use more calcium. Signs of excess magnesium  (hypermagnesia) can be similar to magnesium deficiency and include changes in mental status, nausea, diarrhoea, appetite loss, muscle weakness, difficulty breathing, extremely low blood pressure, and irregular heartbeat. As always, ask your doctor.

Where do we find magnesium chloride?
In the sea – and isn’t that where we came from?? Considering our ancient beginnings, is it surprising that our body can take up magnesium chloride better than other magnesium combinations (like sulphate [Epsom Salts], carbonate, hydroxide, oxide etc) – and retain it better?

Magnesium chloride is also found in fresh grass juice (e.g. wheat grass, barley grass) and powder of cereal grasses, vegetable juices, green leaves, molasses, soaked nuts, oily seeds and sprouted seeds. Of course: kelp and seafood provide good sources – after all: they come from the sea.


Proportion of salt to sea water ((above)
and chemical composition of sea salt.

Graph: # Sea_salt-e_hg.svg: Hannes Grobe, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany; SVG version by Stefan Majewsky

In a concentrated form (saturated solution) magnesium chloride is called Magnesium Oil, because it feels smooth and oily. Of course,

it is not a real “oil”.

Magnesium Oil can be “concentrated seawater” with the normal cooking salt (NaCl) taken out. Thus it contains everything the sea has to offer, including all the trace minerals and other rare components. It can also be produced from certain magnesium- and mineral-rich lakes. Again: reduced to a near saturated solution, giving it an “oily” feel.

It appears, that magnesium chloride contributes to proper production

of many different kinds of tissue, resulting in:

  • healthier skin – including hair and nails – and it is a brilliant deodorant!!

  • healthier gut – better digestion

  • healthier nerve tissue – improved nervous system

  • healthier blood vessels – fewer cardiovascular problems

  • healthier structural tissue – stronger bones

  • healthier lungs – better respiratory function.

That’s an improvement in just about every tissue, isn’t it?

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